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How to learn what you did not know you did not know about?
What Is A Study Group?
One or two people take a stand that a weekly Study Group will take place.
You are the ones who start off being the Spaceholders.
You tell your circle of friends and acquaintances that you are going to create an extraordinary space together each week...
as an Experiment... as a way to take in some delightful and important inspiration together.
It does not matter if only one other person shows up at first...
or no one besides you...
you do the study group, Thursday evenings in your living room from 7:00pm to 9:00pm (for example).
Every week at the same time and the same place.
This is not tea time. It is not knitting circle. It is not gossip time. It is Study Group.
What happens there?
You study together.
What does 'study' mean, in this case?
It means you start exactly on time, not wasting even a minute for stragglers, no matter how good their 'reason' is.
It means you do not serve tea, coffee, or snacks. You sit together and study. For two hours.
Spaceholders decide what is to be studied.
Perhaps the first months you read through a very good book together. Read some, discuss some, read more, digest more.
Perhaps you alternate watching a very good film together, then talk over what you got out of it.
'Very good' in this case means that reading it or watching it builds Matrix into your Being.
The idea is that the more Matrix your Being gains, the more consciousness your Being catches and uses in your daily life.
You will notice this happening even after a few months of Study Group.
It is truly an amazing experience... this intentional matrix building.
In almost no time, Study Group can evolve a sanctuary of like-minded souls, coming together to enjoy each other's company for an agreed upon purpose: building Matrix to hold more consciousness. This means you become bigger. You notice more. You can distinguish more. Once a week your soul truly gets fed, and can count on a good meal whenever you come together, no matter what kind of week you have had.
With a common goal, your space navigating skills improve. Is what is happening on point? Is it working? Can you develop your senses to detect the subtleties involved to hold and navigate a space of personal development and mutual care? Can you help others learn these skills? Study Group is a Winning Happening game. This means it is a rare space free of competition with winner and losers. When anyone in the Team understands something new, everyone wins!
What To Study Together?
Study the Distinctionary
Distinctionary.xyz is a collection of Possibility Management terminology that is cross-referenced and defined within the context of Radical Responsibility.
Some people have reported that studying the Distinctionary has changed their lives for the better. There is only one way to find out what it will do for you.
Reading through and discussing the entire Distinctionary in your Study Group from '1 True Thing' to 'Zombie' (or from 'Zombie' to '1 True Thing'... as you wish) will empower your Study Group to make stimulating and informative in-depth explorations of the thoughtware of next culture.
Study S.P.A.R.K. Experiments
S.P.A.R.K. stands for Specific Practical Applications of Radical Knowledge.
Each S.P.A.R.K. starts with a DISTINCTION which is more powerful than your mind, followed by NOTES to unfold how this DISTINCTION is a doorway to greater life abilities. Then each S.P.A.R.K. offers you practical EXPERIMENTS to try so that your new understanding gains agency.
By now there are over 200 S.P.A.R.K.s in English.
Various teams are translating S.P.A.R.K.s into 14 languages.
By studying one S.P.A.R.K. each week together in your Study Group you will be amazed how quickly your Study Group bonds into a true Team of evolutionary friends.
Study Books, Films, and Websites in the PM Recommended Study List
A true treasure awaits you in the Go Explore website.
For decades we have used these exact resources to feed our intellectual, energetic, emotional, and archetypal bodies with nutritious, long-lasting feasts.
It may take your Study Group six to twelve months to read and discuss one of the books out loud together. Studying Together like this will build a foundation of camaraderie that you won't find almost anywhere else in your life.
Somehow it won't make sense how simply reading a book out loud together at a weekly Study Group can provide such deep and long-lasting nurturing, but it does.
We wish you all the best on your journey.
Study the Talks, Podcasts, and Videos at Next Culture Radio
Some subjects are easy to find out about, like the daily news, soccer games, stock market reports, which is the 'best' kind of toothpaste to use, which styles are popular, how to train your dog...
Other themes are more difficult to research because they are uncommon.
For years we have been compiling rare information. Now we have a platform on which we can share it with you: Next Culture News!
Here you will find talks, interviews, podcasts, and videos relating to next culture, to archearchy, and the bridges for getting there. Some are new. Some are from last Century. Some are hilarious. Some will take you deep into grief and rage. All of them sparkle with rare distinctions and touchingly human stories of transformation.
Watching or listening to these any of these presentations earns you 1 Matrix Point in the StartOver.xyz game. Please record your Matrix Points HERE.
Study Websites at the StartOver.xyz Spaceport
Floating out there, in the world wide web, is a spaceport.
A spaceport is a launch platform for interstellar exploration.
In this case, YOU are what is being launched.
You could think of this launch platform a 'YouPort'.
Here is a catalog of some 300 interlinked websites, each one rich in thoughtware from next culture, and overflowing with experiments that build matrix to hold more awareness.
This is an incredible, unplannable journey that you can take together in your Study Group.
Each week you sit in pairs or groups of three and take turns reading out loud what interests you the most, whatever makes you delighted.
You can do the experiments together, and create Winning Happening with real-time coaching about how to improve your new nonlinear creation skills.
Please log your Matrix Points online at StartOver.xyz.
Study How To Use the 13 Tools On Your Possibility Tool Belt
You were born with an energetic toolbelt with 13 Possibility Tools on it.
In order to use your 13 Energetic Tools for creating and navigating possibility you first need to know:
- That your 13 Tools exist.
- What the names of the 13 Tools are.
- What each of the 13 Tools might be used for.
- How to activate and apply each of your 13 Tools.
Only after knowing all this can you use them effectively . What this means is that study is required first!
What a fun thing to learn together!
Study What's Really Going On Now
Please be careful with studying what is really going on... it may not be what you think. It can be so shocking to discover what is really going on that you spiral down into a dark hopeless place for a while. You need to be sure you are connected enough with your Study Group that you can vulnerably share about your sadness and your outrage and your fear and feel deeply heard by the others. It is time for humans to consciously grieve what modern culture has done to the animals and plants, to the water and the oceans, to the air and to each other. It is unconscionably stupid. Essentially we have committed mass suicide and are bringing as many of Gaia's species into oblivion with us as we can. Why? Why? You can indeed find answers to this question, but is not a pretty sight. The point is that, without having a clear assessment of current reality you cannot make effective change efforts. Please go slowly into the darkness, and bring plenty of friends to make sure you can find your way out the other side. There is another side.
Study Films on the 'Possibilitator Training Films List'
When doing Possibility Management, a Possibilitator needs direct immediate access to nonlinear Possibility - but where to obtain your examples?
This is Clinton's private Possibilitator / Edgeworker / Riftwalker love-story list.
Most are on the Go Explore website. Quite a few are not.
If your assessment of current reality is not accurate you have no fulcrum upon which to lever your actions.
You get 1 Matrix Point for every film watched. To find the Matrix Point Number, please refer to the film list at http://goexplore.mystrikingly.com.
Yes... some of the films on Clinton's list are not on the Go Explore Film List... We can't explain this... yet.
Study Information in the Bubble Net of the StartOver.xyz Game
Imagine more than 300 websites floating around together as a network of bubbles.
Each bubble has links that jump you through gaps in space to other related bubbles for deeper understanding and experimentation.
You can see the entire 300 websites as a network of bubbles... a Bubble Net!
Each website is filled with stories, examples, distinctions, videos, poems, cartoons, and explanations to study together, to laugh and cry about together. Truly together.
Your path makes itself.
The Bubble Net is your Study Group's personal treasure chest. At the beginning of each Study Group, one of you reaches deep into the treasure chest and pulls out a surprise. The game is on!
Open up that website and start reading out loud. Someone will have a question that jumps you into the next link like Alice jumped down the rabbit hole.
You never know where you might come out next in the Bubble Net!
Study Books from Next Culture Press
There are many good books to study together. Some books are stories about a person's life, such as Original Wisdom by robert wolff (who told us he likes his name spelled with small letters), or Secrets of the Talking Jaguar and Long Life Honey In The Heart by Martín Prechtel who runs the Mayan Initiations school in New Mexico called Bolad's Kitchen. Some books help you face into death, such as Die Wise by Stephen Jenkinson or face into life, such as A Woman's Worth by Marianne Williamson. Other books are thoughtware-upgrade handbooks overflowing with distinctions and practical experiments to try such as Clinton Callahan's Conscious Feelings, Keith Johnstone's Impro, or
Study When You Travel with Possibility Couchsurfing
There are now Possibility Managers all over the world. Many of them have Study Groups or Possibility Teams.
This means that if you have participated in an Expand The Box training, or participate regularly in your own Possibility Team, you can connect in with the Possibility Couchsurfing community and have a Study Group on the road.
The Possibility Couchsurfing website is:
The Possibility Couchsurfing closed Facebook Group is:
We wish you all the best on your eduvacation!
For further ideas check out:
Where To Study Together?
EXCITING! Online Study Groups are popping up all over the globe! Find the book, date and time that fits you and jump into weekly research with a Team!
Wahre Liebe im Alltag - Lesegruppe with Habet Ogbamichael and Felix Fulda
Wahre Liebe im Alltag
Language: DeutschWhen: WEDNESDAYS 6pm (GMT+2)Spaceholders: Habet Ogbamichael and Felix FuldaContact: Habet OgbamichaelStudy Group: Radiant Joy Brilliant Love with Clinton Callahan & Anne-Chloé Destremau
Radiant Joy Brilliant Love
Language: EnglishWhen: MONDAYS 6pm (GMT+2)Spaceholders: Clinton Callahan & Anne-Chloé DestremauContact: Anne-Chloé DestremauPossibility Management Book Reading Club with Nicole Bradford
Radiant Joy Brilliant Love
Directing the Power of Conscious Feelings with Shannon Chamberlain
Directing the Power of Conscious Feelings
SPARK Experiments with Anne-Chloé Destremau
Reading and Experimenting with Mia Glick
Directing The Power of Conscious Feelings
Reading and experimenting with maps in the book.Language: EnglishWhen: FRIDAYS 2pm (EST )Requirement: must have taken Expand The Box.Spaceholder and Contact: Mia GlickReading with Mia Glick
Directing The Power of Conscious Feelings
Beginner study group review.Language: EnglishWhen: WEDNESDAYS, 10:30am (EST)Spaceholder and Contact: Mia GlickWhere will your Study Group path lead?
One cannot predict... It is a Village. It has a life of its own.
Perhaps your Study Group is a Path to lifelong friendships.
Perhaps to a project that serves something greater than yourself.
Perhaps your Study Group evolves into a central Transformation station...
where you shift from being a learner into being a healer,
or an initiator,
or a spaceholder for Possibility Team...
or Rage Club...
or even a Trainer delivering Expand The Box trainings...
Being alive means
your future is unknown.
Therein lies the Fun of living full out.
Study Group Gameworld
Your Study Group Is A Gameworld
A gameworld stands on its Codex and holds together through the clarity of its Rules of Engagement.
It can be amazing, for example, to arrange a WhatsApp Group for the members of your Study Group to connect and communicate with each other between Study Group Meetings.
And... messaging (email, facebook, whatsapp, etc.) is a PERFECT environment for Gremlin feeding, behavior that destroys the safe space of the Study Group and the WhatsApp Team.
Therefore, we strongly recommend that you are clear about the Rules of Engagement for your Study Group WhatsApp Team.
Below is one Study Group's first draft of their Rules of Engagement for their Study Group WhatsApp Team:
Rules of Engagement for Study Group WhatsApp Team
Dear all: Good morning,
Taking a couple of deep breaths would be a fine way to enter this conversation.
Together we are creating a Study Group Gameworld. To become more competent in building gameworlds please explore http://gameworldbuilders.org.
Every gameworld includes a Codex about the structure and purpose of the gameworld. The Codex functions like a bridge into the gameworld. Part of the Codex is the Rules of Engagement which explains our agreements for how to participate in our gameworld. If the Rules of Engagement are not specified and conscious, then the gameworld reverts to ordinary unconscious sleeping-world Rules of Engagement.
This letter is a proposal for the Rules of Engagement for our Study Group gameworld.WhatsApp, like Emails and Facebook are easily used as ordinary unconscious spaces where Box-to-Box positionality (http://boxmechanics.mystrikingly.com) and Gremlin Feeding Frenzies (http://yourgremlin.mystrikingly.com) are allowed. Ordinary unconscious messaging includes ‘I am right’-‘You are wrong’-warfare, and 'you' messages, rather than radically-responsible 'I' introspection messages.
It is the purpose of our Radiant Joy Brilliant Love / Building Love That Lasts Study Group to implement Adulthood / Extraordinary and Archetypal context (http://setcontext.mystrikingly.com) as invited by the book. The distinction is that: You can either make efforts to be right, or make efforts to be in evolutionary relationship.Our Study Group is no-place for Gremlin unconscious feeding.
This Study Group Team works at the edge and beyond the edge of modern culture's thoughtware. This means everyone - including the ‘spaceholders’! - balances at the frightening edge of their own Box, beyond which is the nothingness of the unknown.
As a tool, your Conscious Initiated Adult Gremlin needs to be ultra-ready to destroy any space at any time for no reason for successful Team exploration. However, this same Gremlin, used unconsciously, will use all its tricks to defend your Box's status quo.
Any part of your Gremlin that is not conscious (not on your leash sitting at your side) will unconsciously try to dismantle a research group on Love and Relationship.
Having a WhatsApp Study Group Team is a precious safe-space for our Study Group to connect.
Gremlin actions are not allowed here. Gremlin runs freely in almost every other space and interaction in your life. Not here in our Study Group WhatsApp Team.Our Study Group WhatsApp Team is a learning space, a safe platform to train ourselves to create something different and shift from our ordinary Box-Gremlin positionality to an extraordinary evolutionary weaving of relationship.
If your Box / Gremlin is Hooked (http://becomeunhookable.mystrikingly.com) your are Reacting (http://reactivity.mystrikingly.com). Please stop immediately. Take radical responsibility for who you have just been. Apologize. Take yourself apart in public, starting with your Emotions (http://4emotions.mystrikingly.com) which are not Feelings, and the Ego State you have been identified with (http://egostate.mystrikingly.com). Making a safe place for each other's introspection (http://selfobservation.mystrikingly.com) is one of the treasures we can give to each other in our Team.
HERE IS A HINT FOR HOW TO DO THIS: If you have an urge to answer right away, if your hands are shaking when typing, if you cannot think of anything else, if you are rehearsing the conversation in your head, those are BIG HINTS that your Box and Gremlin are Hooked. Please let your next message be: "I am hooked. I am feeling an Emotion. Can someone please hold space for an emotional healing process for me?” Your Emotions have so much intelligence and information for you. Letting them pass by is a waste of an evolutionary opportunity.
- Use ‘I’ statement, not ‘You’, not ‘We’ statements. Try no navigate to undefendedness.
- A communication always has an emotional component and an information component. Start your sentences with "I feel angry/sad/scared/glad because... or about… I have felt this for more than 3 minutes. This is not a Feeling. It is an Emotion." (http://4feelings.mystrikingly.com and http://4emotions.mystrikingly.com).
- ANY emotion - mixed or unmixed (http://unmixemotions.mystrikingly.com) makes you not present (http://becomepresent.mystrikingly.com).
- The moment you feel an Emotion, change your conversation by saying: "Excuse me. I am feeling an emotion. It is a doorway to an emotional healing process for me. I would like to go through my emotional healing process now. Who is willing to hold space for me to go through this emotional healing process now?" Then set up an appointment with one or two spaceholders as soon as possible and go do the emotional healing process.
- The instant there is any hint of misunderstanding, tension, conflict, or Gremlin comments, STOP TYPING MESSAGES. Pick up the phone and call the other person, preferably with video. Take turns listening to each other with Completion Loops (http://completionloop.mystrikingly.com). Make notes for new practices in your Beep! Book (http://beepbook.mystrikingly.com). Change your life into a life of practice (http://alifeofpractice.mystrikingly.com) instead of a life of defensive, reactive (http://reactivity.mystrikingly.com) habitual Gremlin feeding (http://yourgremlin.mystrikingly.com). Or... go find another group where Gremlin feeding is the group's purpose.
- Ask vulnerable questions to reveal your self-made prison and to learn about yourself, not questions about the other person. This is not a psychoanalysis group.
- Commit to each other's commitment to being in this Study Group: Tell people why a question is important for you. Ask people to tell you why they hesitate to freely and openly connect with you. Listen, take notes, ask for Experiments to try out new behavior. DO THE EXPERIMENTS and report precisely about how they go. Design and do your next Experiment.
- If someone asks for Possibility, create an experiment for them. “Here’s an experiment you could try:…"
Thank you for your Integrity, Love, Clarity, Possibility, Transformation, and High Level Fun!NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. No one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code STUDYGRP.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!